
We consider the worship of God to be our greatest privilege and joy. On Sundays (which the New Testament calls 'the Lord's Day') we meet together for worship at 11:30am and 5:30pm. Each service lasts around an hour.

After the evening service we stay around for tea and coffee and a chat. There is a lunch after the morning service on the first Sunday of every month - please stay for it if you can!

We are always glad to welcome visitors, and we don't have a dress code!

The Bible is at the centre of what we do as a church. The main part of our Sunday services is listening to a message from the Bible. We also sing to God using the psalms. The psalms are hymns written by God in the Old Testament in preparation for the coming of Jesus. They were the hymnbook of Jesus, the early believers in the New Testament, and most Christians ever since. You can hear what they sound like here:


We believe that children are part of the church, and so we encourage parents to keep their children with them in the worship service as much as possible. (For some resources on this subject see here). If children need to be taken out at any point, the audio from the service is relayed into the church hall.


We celebrate the Lord’s Supper four times a year - in January, March, June and October. We invite to the Lord’s Table all those who have been baptised and are members of Bible-believing churches. For more information, see here.


Although most people today think of church as a building, church is actually the people. The idea of the church only meeting together for an hour a week is foreign to the Bible. We meet together through the week to put into practice some of the 'one another' commands of the New Testament (eg 'love one another', 'encourage one another', 'instruct one another'). This takes place informally, at occasionally social events and at regular meetings to talk about how the Bible applies to our lives.

We have a Bible study on Wednesdays at 11am, where we discuss the part of the Bible that was preached from on Sunday morning. A fortnightly Thursday study on Christian doctrine will resume in the Spring of 2024.