Fetal Alcohol

Adoption Conference

On Saturday 4th March we held a conference entitled ‘Adoption and the Church’, with the intention of helping us be better prepared as a church to welcome adopted children into our midst.

We began the day with a talk from Rev. Peter Loughridge (North Edinburgh RPCS) about the glorious doctrine of Adoption in Bible - how as Christians we are not simply justified (declared righteous), but welcomed into God’s family.

Peter’s wife Emma then spoke about their experience of raising two adopted daughters, as well as practical ways a church can welcome adopted children.

After a buffet lunch, Barbara Ogston (wife of a local Church of Scotland minister who works for Adoption UK), spoke about their experience of adoption, as well as the particular challenges that children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder can have.

The conference finished with a question panel where those in attendance had the opportunity to ask questions of the three speakers.

We hope to have videos from the talks at available shortly on our YouTube page.

We are grateful to Trinity, Hamish and Campbell for coming along and putting on some activities for the children during the talks.