Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Christ’s Wake-Up Call to the Church

As part of our series on the letters to the seven churches of Revelation, we’re coming this Lord’s Day morning to Jesus’ letter to the church in Ephesus. Here are a couple of resources on the passage, as well as the seven letters more generally.

Love or Die: Christ’s Wake-Up Call to the Church

Love or Die is a whole book devoted to Revelation 2:1-7 by Alexander Strauch. Respected Christian book reviewer Tim Challies says:

“I can think of few books I’ve read recently that have had so immediate an impact on me and have given me so much to think about. I trust, that with God’s help, the implications of this book will be with me always”.

Outside In

This is a 4-part Bible Study course by Reformation Scotland, available free on their website, based around some of the insights of the Scottish Covenanter James Durham. You can watch part 1 below:

The Seven Churches of Asia

This little booklet, based on addresses given by Robert Murray M’Cheyne is available free on Google books.