Sinclair Ferguson

Romans in 40 minutes

This Lord’s Day morning we plan to begin a series in Romans chapter 8 (11:30am on facebook live).

In order to get up to speed on Romans (assuming you don’t have time to listen to all 15 sermons on chapters 1-7 preached back in 2018!), one very helpful recent resource is an address given by Sinclair Ferguson entitled Romans in 40 minutes. Ferguson has made Romans a lifetime study, and has around 150 commentaries on the book - and distills it all in this lecture given in August 2019.

Don’t miss him explaining his ‘profound commitment’ to evening worship around the 7 and a half minute mark - something we share, and which explains why we are livestreaming two services a week even in the midst of this pandemic.

Update: John Piper has a helpful summary of chapters 1-7 here.
Kyle Borg preached a sermon which covered the whole of Romans 8 and also has a blog post on preaching Romans as a young minister.