
Firm Foundations 2023

Last weekend, we held our second Firm Foundations weekend (the first one having been held in 2017).

10 young people from Northern Ireland came over for it, and we were joined by a couple of others from our own congregation, as well as another family from the region.

Our speaker was Rev. Kyle Borg from Winchester RP Church in Kansas. His topic was ‘How Christ the King rules in his church and leads in worship’.

Campbell, Shane, Hamish, Trinity, Heidi, Cameron, Chris and David arrived in time for dinner on the Friday evening.

Eleanor and Charis joined us late Friday night, in time for the first of Kyle’s four talks on Saturday morning.

On the Saturday afternoon we made use of the extra folk who were with us to do some open air psalm singing in the town centre, tying it in with the 70th anniversary of the Princess Victoria, which sank after leaving Stranraer on the last Saturday morning in January in 1953.

After the third talk, we had some Chinese food for dinner in the church hall. This was followed by the fourth and final talk, and then an extended question and answer time.

On the Lord’s Day our visitors joined us for worship, followed by a church lunch. After the evening service, there was another extended Q&A time (on all sorts of subjects) at the Frasers’ home.

On the Monday morning, we introduced the team to the classic Scottish ‘roll and sausage’ for breakfast before we said our goodbyes.

Overall it was a great weekend and we pray it will be a blessing in the lives of those who attended.

We hope to have video from the talks available at some point on our YouTube page.